The Importance of the Author Tag

bulk add author tag in libsyn

How to add Host and Guest’s names to improve search TLDR: Watch the video at the bottom of this post To further expose the importance of using the Apple Tags that complete your RSS feed and improve search, libsyn added the Author field to their Bulk Editor. Normally, the AUTHOR tag in libsyn can be…

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How to Change Your Keyboard Shortcuts in Audacity

Most programs allow you to use a single key or combo to execute specific commands. Think of all the programs where CTRL-C is “copy” and CMD-V is “paste”. Keyboard shortcuts like these can save you tons of time when editing audio as well. In this video, I show you how to customize keyboard shortcuts to…

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Apple’s continued dominance in podcasting is our fault. Here are 3 ways to grow an Android audience.

The folks at libsyn shared their stats for February. You can listen to the breakdown (beginning at the 1hr, 5min mark), but here are my thoughts: Apple still rules the roost with almost 2/3 of all downloads (62.9%) going to their Podcasts App and iTunes. It’s rather incredible that people outside of the Applesphere don’t…

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Outsourcing the Pain of Podcasting

outsource the pain of podcasting

There are many ways to get help with your podcast: Hire a podcast editor Acquire the help of a virtual assistant Ask your listeners if anyone wants to help produce the show This was the main topic of my presentation at the Podfest Multimedia Expo in 2019. There are also many ways to make money…

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How to use libsyn Categories

how to use libsyn category player code

Use libsyn’s Category feature to create custom lists of your podcast on your website.

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