Your Podcast Isn’t Showing Up in Spotify? Check these 4 things

Spotify began admitting more podcasts into their listings in late 2017. Media host worked it out so their customers could submit their podcasts directly to Spotify. All you need to do is create Spotify as a Destination. However, some shows are still not showing up – including MoneyPlan SOS. That’s extremely frustrating since I…

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Weird Hack to Quickly Replace Original Audio in a Destructive DAW

I don’t know how to explain this other than showing you in a video. Audacity is a destructive editor – meaning the changes you make are permanent past a certain point. For example: You make a change 5 minutes ago, then realize you needed to keep that piece in. You could CTRL-Z / CMND-Z (aka:…

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The Success of Your Podcast Downloads Depends on These Two Things

The success of your podcast’s downloads is largely dependent on two things. “This week’s episode got a lot of downloads. It must be a good show. Let’s do all our episodes just like that one.” I challenge you to think about that statement – and see for yourself that it isn’t true. Why? Because there…

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How Many Characters Display in iTunes Episode Descriptions (and other Podcast Directories)

When it comes to show notes and episode descriptions: Less is more. It’s natural for a podcaster to write in the way that we think or speak. However, we need to get to the point when it comes to the limited space iTunes/Apple Podcasts and other podcatchers give us to explain what’s “today’s episode is…

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How to Customize Folder Icons on a Mac

This has nothing to do with podcast editing, but it does have everything to do with making your workstation a lot more fun. (Follow these instructions for Windows machines) How to change folder icons on a Mac: 1) Open the image you want to use and Command-C to copy Note: Do not click on the…

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